Your career is a success but your relationships...

Your career is a success but your relationships...

Jan 01, 2024

You’re successful in your career and you’ve always been a high achiever, and yet…

You seem to find yourself in all the same demeaning relationships.

In your professional life, you’re making six and seven figures, having a very successful career of your own. You feel supremely confident in the area of business and decision-making in your professional life.

But relationships you’ve had have sucked the life out of you and you feel like having real love is not in the cards for you…


Even more so, you feel like it’s your fault...

Like it’s your fault that you’ve been attracting men who are narcissists or ‘hobosexuals’ (choosing you for your home and finances)

And somehow they are still angry, resentful and belittling that you are the breadwinner..


Suddenly, you've found yourself wondering - am I good enough?

You are getting more and more despondent, and tend to keep it inside.

Just out of yet another narcissistic relationship, and you’re tired. You feel like you must be “bad at love”, and see no way out of this cycle.

How much of this seems to be true for you?


Can you have a successful business AND a thriving love life?

I often work with high-achieving women who feel like they attract the wrong kind of partner, or they have this deep belief that they can’t have business success AND love.

They tend to “fall for” narcissistic and controlling partners and once they’re out of these unhappy relationships, the first thought is “never again”.

And it often seems that the simplest path to stay away from “bad love” is to just avoid love altogether.

It doesn’t help that people surrounding you don’t always get it. They see your success on the outside ; the money, house, car and the friends, and expect you to be ‘above, or immune’ to being duped into abusive relationships. Your friends roll their eyes at your romantic life, so you become more despondent and keep it all inside.


The inner work you must do

But here’s the thing. What most of my clients don’t realize, before the work we do, is that you’ve often been taught by systems and childhood conditioning to not fully see and act on red flags.

You’ve been taught that love involves some kind of pain, or putting your needs last to please others.

And unless you recognize and learn to deconstruct these deep unconscious beliefs and behaviors, and listen to your natural guidance system - you may find yourself on the outside of truly fulfilling relationships.


Are you ready to take the next step?

I am about to launch a new exciting offer that will give you the trauma-informed tools and support to change your pattern of unworthy partners and red flag relationships for good.


For more inspiration, follow me on Instagram @theerikaleon

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