Inner Critic Masterclass


Reboot the way your mind works after long-term narcissistic and emotional abuse.


Do you hear it? That little nagging voice in your head?

The voice that tells you that you’re not good enough. It reminds you of everything you have ever done wrong. And seems to have all of your steps under the magnifying glass.

It keeps telling you things like

“Why do you think you’re capable of this?”

“REALLY? Is THIS what you’re going to do?”

“How could you? It was such a bad decision…”

“You’re going to be alone forever”

And it just keeps going. Like a broken record. Loud for most of the day, quieting in some moments but then kicking in with a new force all over again.

You might be waving in agreement but here’s the thing…

Sometimes you might not even know or notice the presence of that inner critic.

How often do you find yourself on autopilot, not “consciously thinking”?

Maybe you’re doing a repetitive daily task like loading the laundry or driving. 

And then suddenly… it hits you. You feel a bit down, you’re suddenly worried. You’re unsure why but suddenly the feeling is so present and intense… 

Your body reacts to it as well. Your shoulders get slumped, your head is down, your muscles get tense. 

This is the work of the “inner critic”.


Your Inner Critic - can change the way you FEEL, how you BEHAVE and what you DO. It’s time to take back control!


  • Identify and separate the Inner Critic from healthy self-reflection
  • Identify the loudest abuser/critic voice you have, who it is, and where it comes from
  • Note your own most common and repetitive self-negating critical thought loops that arise
  • Examine and reframe the thoughts to empowering truths
  • Practice a mindfulness exercise to solidify new self-supporting thoughts

We have around 6,000 thoughts a day. Most just drift in without any filter or permission and aren’t ‘conscious’.

It may surprise you to know that most of these are NOT even your voice! 

Those inner autopilot thoughts come from a mixture of voices and judgements you heard or internalized as a child, much earlier than you would have even been aware of. Perhaps from a well-meaning, but critical parent, family member, teacher, friend, and often - psychologically abusive relationship dynamics.

Learn to recognize and shift these perspectives!


I’m Erika Leon & I am a Trauma Informed Life Coach

I specialize in empowerment for people who have experienced narcissistic, psychological and emotional abuse

After years of working with clients, I have experienced exactly what beliefs and techniques move the process of healing FORWARD.

I discovered (the hard way) the tools and strategies that move the needle for healing and change. I want you to have tangible guidance you will actually USE in your daily life, so that you become the best version of yourself. 

When I was at my lowest and most broken self, I was discarded and betrayed with five young sons to raise.

By hitting bottom, I was forced to look at a catalog of different kinds of abuse that spanned my whole life - I found close to no support at all.

It wasn’t a common topic all those years ago.

Professionals who were supposed to know the answers, didn’t.

Either due to not being specialized in abuse dynamics, or being part of corrupt systems like family court, which largely enable abuse - not protect the survivor. 

That’s why I took the matter in my own hands and through years of practice and experience learned (and still remain on this quest every day) what one needs to know to truly heal and reclaim the power of YOU.


I lead my work with a no-bullshit approach. I like to go against the stream and provide real solutions versus covering vague theories.

I understand how triggering some of the typical ‘you are attracting this to you’ life coaching can be for survivors of abuse. I teach abuse dynamics, and call it out; whether in systems, beliefs or in relationships.

If this sounds like your kind of an approach, make sure to join me for this Masterclass!

It's time to take back the stirring wheel and it starts here - get instant access to the Masterclass for only $22.

The offer also includes some BONUS worksheets that will help you to work through this experience more easily.


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